REANNZ / What we do

REANNZ is a trusted connector of people in the research, science and innovation sector – at home in Aotearoa, and across the globe.

We’re a Crown-owned membership organisation that powers Aotearoa’s research and education network.

Launched in 2007, our high-performance national digital network (or NREN) helps members collaborate and contribute to data-intensive and complex science and research initiatives – both here in New Zealand and across the globe.

You’ll find our members in government agencies, Crown research institutes, wānanga, and tertiary education institutions.

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Our Network

We provide a National Research and Education Network (known as an NREN) to support the research and education sectors within Aotearoa. NRENs are specialised internet providers set up by countries around the world to help researchers and educators share data as they collaborate on studies and initiatives. These NRENs connect to each other across local networks and subsea cable systems.

The network that REANNZ operates is the backbone of the New Zealand research and education sector. It is a high availability, low latency network designed to move and share data around the country, and across the world, at a scale that isn’t consistently possible using a standard network.

Other technical features and dedicated data transfer support make it possible for Kiwi researchers and educators to collaborate on a global scale using our network. It connects into high-performance computing tools like the supercomputer at National eScience Infrastructure (NeSI) and provides access to specialist scientific instruments, like the Australian Synchrotron, and on-site storage arrays.

Alongside our specialist network, we support the sector with the products, tools and services they need to collaborate, educate and deliver excellent research.

Find out more about becoming a member.


We’re a Crown-owned company under Schedule 4A of the Public Finance Act 1989, and we have Shareholding Ministers. They are the Minister of Finance and the Minister of Science, Innovation and Technology.

The Board
We are governed by a Board of Directors, and they’re appointed by the Minister of Research, Science and Innovation.

Our people
Our people come from all walks of life – combining their technical expertise with a whole-hearted focus on members and their needs. They’re united around a single purpose – to make a positive impact on New Zealand through research and education.

Read more about our people.

Our Strategy

We’ve unfurled a new strategy to take us into the future.

Our vision is to build a globally connected and thriving research and education sector.

Our mission is to connect researchers and educators so they can change the world.

Over the next few years, we’ll be building a stronger, better, more connected network that acts as the heart of Aotearoa’s research community.

Our Focus

We have four key areas of focus that we believe will shift the dial on researchers’ and educators’ opportunities to make a difference globally.

  1. Supporting Mātauranga Māori: Play a role in ensuring that tangata whenua have equitable access to the connectivity and infrastructure they need to support Māori research and education, recognising Māori rangatiratanga (self-determination) over data and the kotahitanga (unity) that can be derived from it.
  2. Building our global connections: Continue to develop our knowledge and increase our participation and contribution to the global NREN community. This will ensure that the knowledge and value of the network can be used for the benefit of Aotearoa.
  3. Making it easy: Work in partnership with the research and education sector to develop a consistent user experience, focused on improving interoperability, consistency and co-design.
  4. Connecting Aotearoa: Ensure researchers and educators have access to the infrastructure and connectivity they need to advance their work and deliver outcomes of national and international importance.

Useful Links

What is an NREN?

Global research and education community
The global research and education community connect and collaborate through national research and education networks (NRENs).

Who uses REANNZ?

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