News and Events SDNcon- short summary SDNcon was designed to be a hands-on-keyboard meeting. Small technical workshops are always interesting. SDNcon was no exception. As a reminder, SDNcon was designed to be a hands-on-keyboard meeting. We asked people to be able to install code, run a virtual machine, pass packets, etc. We did not promise fancy lunches; we were pretty sure that everyone who showed up would be interesting.In preparation for SDNcon, many people asked if they could skip the bit where they installed the software. We held firm on that requirement and are pleased with the result. The small technical hurdle definitely attracted a more self-similar group for the meeting. (This is not the best technique for all meetings, but we will continue to do things similar for the next SDNcon.)We attracted 17 participants who were able to begin working on specific parts of VANDERVECKEN. Code was written, hardware was tested, food was eaten and a few documents were shared that helped to identify next steps for the group and the new bits of code. Most importantly, we established a nascent SDN coding community here in New Zealand.Those who were at SDNcon will also take issue with the use of the “royal we” in this document. I must send a note thanking the proctors Dean, Josh and Sam as well as the invisible staff who organised food and other important details. I was on family holiday while SDNcon was happening; I had full confidence that everyone in Wellington would be just fine.Thanks to all who participated. If you are really interested, show your tech chops by taking a look at this Google Doc.